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PHPX Documentation

This is documentation for PHPX -- an automatic PHP transformer.



System Architecture

System works in following steps:
  1. A set of PHP files is parsed and the code trees are build (PHPParser).
  2. A set of initial transformations is applied to the code (phpPreNormalizers).
  3. Parser reads code transformation rules from configuration files. Rules are read using RuleParser by RuleSystem.
  4. Rules are applied to code tree in one or many passes (RuleContext and NamedContext)
  5. Some post transformations are applied (phpPostNormalizers and tplPostNormalizers).
  6. Resulting HTML is normalized and searched for common parts (HTMLBox).
  7. Finals results are written to files.

The main program class is PHPFiles, which executes all above actions.


To run online demo click here.


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Generated on Fri Nov 21 17:54:02 2003 for PHPX by doxygen 1.3.3