Action | A virtual class for action that can be performed in rules |
ActionList | A list of actions |
ActionRule | When the imput is mathced the rule performs some action |
ActionSet | Sets the value of an attribute |
ActionWrite | Writes something on the cout |
AdaptedTester | |
AList | List statement |
Array | Array statement |
ArrayOperator | Array operator [] |
ArrayPair | Array pair Array ArrayPairList |
ArrayPairList | Array pait list |
AskOperator | ? : Operator |
AssignmentList | Assignment list |
AttributeIsequalTester | |
AttributeIssetTester | |
AttributeValue | Returns the value of the given attribute |
Binary | A node with two children |
BinaryOperator | Binary operator |
Break | Break statement |
Case | Case statement CaseList Switch |
CaseList | Case list |
Class | Class definition |
ClassVariable | Reference to a class |
Const | No idea what it is |
Constant | A string constant |
ConstantEncapsedString | Single quote encapsed string constant |
ConstantString | String constant |
ContextMatch | Context sensitive node |
ContextRule | Rule that creates a new context for processing inner statement lists |
Continue | Contiune statement |
CurlyBraces | Encapsulates node with curly braces |
Declare | Declare statement |
DeclareList | Declaration statements list |
Do | Do statement |
DoubleQuote | Encapsulates node with double quotes |
Echo | Echo |
EchoNormalizer | A class for normalizing echo and print statements |
EchoPHP | Encapslates PHP code with echo |
EmptyStatement | Empty statement |
EncapsExpr | Encapsed statement |
EncapsList | Encaps list -- for double quotes |
ExistsTester | |
Exit | Exit statement |
Expression | Expression |
ExpressionList | Expression list |
For | For statement |
ForallTester | |
Foreach | Foreach statement |
Function | Function definition |
FunctionCall | Function call |
Global | Global definition |
HTMLBox | Stores and refactors html code |
HTMLBox::CollectedHTMLInfo | Info about collected html |
HTMLBox::Putter | Puts InlineHTML into given HTMLBox |
HTMLBox::Replacer | Extracts InlineHTML from given HTMLBox |
If | If statement |
IncludeRule | Used for including rules from other files |
InlineHTML | Inline HTML |
InlineHTMLList | InlineHTML list |
Isset | Isset statement |
List | List is used for representing multiargument php elements |
LocalAttributeIsequalTester | |
LocalAttributeIssetTester | |
Location | A class used for storing statemets locations -- NOT USED |
MapOperator | Map operator -- no idea if correctly used |
MultiContext | Context for statements that are executed many times e.g. in for |
MultiContextRule | Used for refactoring statements that are executed many times e.g. statements in for |
NamedContext | Conetex that runs the given rule list |
NamedContextRule | Used for executing rules from other files on a statement list |
NamedList | A list that must have a name List |
NamedRuleList | A list of rules for a given context |
NameSpace | Class for storing names and attributes for the names |
NameTester | Tests if a node has a given name |
Node | A basis class for PHP structure tree |
Node::Assignment | An assignment -- map from variables to trees |
Node::Tester | Defines a method for testing nodes used by Node::forall, Node::exists |
Node::Transformer | Defines a method for transforming nodes used by Node::transform |
Normalizer | |
NotTester | |
Nullary | A node without childrens |
ObjectOperator | Object operator -> |
Parameter | Paramenter or a paramenter definition ParamenterList |
PHP | Encapsulates PHP code |
PHPFiles | Stores informations about all refactored files |
PHPFiles::PHPFileInfo | Information about a file |
PHPParser | Parser for php files |
PHPVariable | PHPVariable statement |
Pin | A smart NULL |
PostUnaryOperator | Post unary operator |
Print statement | |
PriorityList< Rule > | A List of items with priorities |
PriorityPair< Rule > | Template for an item with the priority |
Quadary | A node with four children |
Ref | Reference & |
Return | Return statement |
Rule | Rule for php refactoring |
RuleContext | Context in that rules are executed |
RuleParser | Parser for rules |
RuleSystem | Refactoring system |
RuleWithActionRule | When the given rule is succesfully executes this rule performs some action |
RunRuleList | List of rules to run at given time |
SingleContext | Context for a statements that are executed only once e.g in if |
SingleContextRule | Used for refactoring statements that are executed only once e.g. statements in if |
SmartyAssign | Assignment to smarty variable |
SmartyBraces | Encapsulates node with Smarty braces |
StatementList | Statement list |
Static | Static definition |
SubstitutionRule | Simple substitution rule |
Switch | Switch statement |
Template | A Template TemplateList ContextRule |
TemplateList | Template list ContextRule |
Ternary | A node with three children |
TesterSet | |
TesterSetExists | |
TesterSetForall | |
TPLConstantNormalizer | Normalizer for string constants -- removes escape sequences |
TransformerSet | A set of transformers |
TriggeredRule | Inserts a rule into context, when other rule was successfully executed |
TypeTester | Tests if a node has a given name |
Unary | A node with one child |
UnaryOperator | Unary operatorc |
Unset | Unset |
Use | Use |
Variable | A Variable -- can be matched to other nodes |
While | While statement |
XParser | Encapsulates the parser |
yystype |