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PHPX Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
ActionA virtual class for action that can be performed in rules
ActionListA list of actions
ActionRuleWhen the imput is mathced the rule performs some action
ActionSetSets the value of an attribute
ActionWriteWrites something on the cout
AListList statement
ArrayArray statement
ArrayOperatorArray operator []
ArrayPairArray pair Array ArrayPairList
ArrayPairListArray pait list
AskOperator? : Operator
AssignmentListAssignment list
AttributeValueReturns the value of the given attribute
BinaryA node with two children
BinaryOperatorBinary operator
BreakBreak statement
CaseCase statement CaseList Switch
CaseListCase list
ClassClass definition
ClassVariableReference to a class
ConstNo idea what it is
ConstantA string constant
ConstantEncapsedStringSingle quote encapsed string constant
ConstantStringString constant
ContextMatchContext sensitive node
ContextRuleRule that creates a new context for processing inner statement lists
ContinueContiune statement
CurlyBracesEncapsulates node with curly braces
DeclareDeclare statement
DeclareListDeclaration statements list
DoDo statement
DoubleQuoteEncapsulates node with double quotes
EchoNormalizerA class for normalizing echo and print statements
EchoPHPEncapslates PHP code with echo
EmptyStatementEmpty statement
EncapsExprEncapsed statement
EncapsListEncaps list -- for double quotes
ExitExit statement
ExpressionListExpression list
ForFor statement
ForeachForeach statement
FunctionFunction definition
FunctionCallFunction call
GlobalGlobal definition
HTMLBoxStores and refactors html code
HTMLBox::CollectedHTMLInfoInfo about collected html
HTMLBox::PutterPuts InlineHTML into given HTMLBox
HTMLBox::ReplacerExtracts InlineHTML from given HTMLBox
IfIf statement
IncludeRuleUsed for including rules from other files
InlineHTMLInline HTML
InlineHTMLListInlineHTML list
IssetIsset statement
ListList is used for representing multiargument php elements
LocationA class used for storing statemets locations -- NOT USED
MapOperatorMap operator -- no idea if correctly used
MultiContextContext for statements that are executed many times e.g. in for
MultiContextRuleUsed for refactoring statements that are executed many times e.g. statements in for
NamedContextConetex that runs the given rule list
NamedContextRuleUsed for executing rules from other files on a statement list
NamedListA list that must have a name List
NamedRuleListA list of rules for a given context
NameSpaceClass for storing names and attributes for the names
NameTesterTests if a node has a given name
NodeA basis class for PHP structure tree
Node::AssignmentAn assignment -- map from variables to trees
Node::TesterDefines a method for testing nodes used by Node::forall, Node::exists
Node::TransformerDefines a method for transforming nodes used by Node::transform
NullaryA node without childrens
ObjectOperatorObject operator ->
ParameterParamenter or a paramenter definition ParamenterList
PHPEncapsulates PHP code
PHPFilesStores informations about all refactored files
PHPFiles::PHPFileInfoInformation about a file
PHPParserParser for php files
PHPVariablePHPVariable statement
PinA smart NULL
PostUnaryOperatorPost unary operator
PrintPrint statement
PriorityList< Rule >A List of items with priorities
PriorityPair< Rule >Template for an item with the priority
QuadaryA node with four children
RefReference &
ReturnReturn statement
RuleRule for php refactoring
RuleContextContext in that rules are executed
RuleParserParser for rules
RuleSystemRefactoring system
RuleWithActionRuleWhen the given rule is succesfully executes this rule performs some action
RunRuleListList of rules to run at given time
SingleContextContext for a statements that are executed only once e.g in if
SingleContextRuleUsed for refactoring statements that are executed only once e.g. statements in if
SmartyAssignAssignment to smarty variable
SmartyBracesEncapsulates node with Smarty braces
StatementListStatement list
StaticStatic definition
SubstitutionRuleSimple substitution rule
SwitchSwitch statement
TemplateA Template TemplateList ContextRule
TemplateListTemplate list ContextRule
TernaryA node with three children
TPLConstantNormalizerNormalizer for string constants -- removes escape sequences
TransformerSetA set of transformers
TriggeredRuleInserts a rule into context, when other rule was successfully executed
TypeTesterTests if a node has a given name
UnaryA node with one child
UnaryOperatorUnary operatorc
VariableA Variable -- can be matched to other nodes
WhileWhile statement
XParserEncapsulates the parser

Generated on Fri Nov 21 17:54:05 2003 for PHPX by doxygen 1.3.3